Michelle Williams got in some bikini time with her pregnant friend Busy Philipps when they hit up Cancun, Mexico, with Jason Segel on Wednesday. Michelle wore a black two-piece but covered up with a denim shirt, a panama hat, and black Ray-Ban Wayfarers. Meanwhile, Busy — who costarred with Jason on Freaks and Geeks — soaked up some rays while wearing a red bikini. The friends reportedly landed in Cancun after Christmas and spent New Year's south of the border. Unfortunately for Busy, the trip wasn't as relaxing as it looked, since she suffered food poisoning during New Year's Eve. Busy tweeted, "Since the early hours of my 2013 were spent violently puking from food poisoning, there's no where to go but up." Illness aside, Busy was back to work today to promote the Tuesday premiere of Cougar Town at the TCAs in LA.
In career news, Miss Williams snagged a spot in the touring musical “Fela!” which is set to open in Washington D.C. on January 29.
According to the Associated Press, Michelle will portray the leading role of Sandra Isadore in the Jay-Z, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith produced production.
Pregnant Busy Philipps wears a bikini while hanging out with Michelle Williams and Jason Segel in Mexico. |